How Can You Master A Crouching Tiger?



Please click this link for the video version of today's blog :

     Time with Abba (Psalm 2:1-6Genesis 3:1-4:26; Matthew 2:13-3:6; Proverbs 1:7-9)

      Please click this link for today's Time with Abba one year Bible four passages:

    Today's main passages:
       "Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."                                                            Genesis 3: 16

       Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you , but you must master it."  Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.” While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.                     Genesis 4: 6-8


    Let's have a time to be still and give the Holy Spirit space to speak through the passages we have just read. Offer this time to Jesus as you listen to him.    

    My Listening
    The topic I received today from Jesus is
    How Can You Master A Crouching Tiger?

    God created us that we have His image and likeness so that we can rule over many things of the earth but not rule over each other as human beings, as God's precious children.

    How much pain and suffering we might have if we turn God's purpose upside down? 

    In the seeking of all kinds of desires we do not rule over this world for centuries and the world has been facing with so many natural disasters. 

    In today's Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were just like any human beings, desiring not for an intimate relationship with God as God walked with them in the Garden of Eden but they chose not do the things God wanted them to do and to do the only thing God wanted them not to do. All kinds of relationship have been broken since that time until now! 

     We are in the image of God, but instead of letting God be God, we want to sit on "God's throne" to become God to take control of all things and all people! 

    What I heard from Jesus in today's Genesis 4 was shocking: 
     "How can you master a crouching tiger?" 

    Do you think you have the power to master it? You need to know that the name of the crouching tiger is Satan, the Deceiver, the King of Anger, the Separator, the Liar, the Destroyer... 

If I were Cain that day, I would ask for God's help rather than ignoring God's warning. Cain thought that he could handle it, so he let anger to "rule over" himself, attacking and killing his own brother! All these happened because he thought he was being rejected by God! The reason of him to kill his own brother was so simple but the consequence was so severe with a total destruction!

Do you think you can master a crouching tiger and the name of this tiger is Satan? Do you know sin is crouching at your door?

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for creating us in your own likeness and breath in us that we become a living being, your holy children. Help us to listen more carefully to what you said and not rule over others but to be under your Lordship to follow you and to walk with you that we have you each day to kick out that crouching tiger waiting to swallow us alive. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Reflect on these questions:     
       1. What inspiration have you received from today's catch and what have you heard from Jesus now?
      2.  What is your next step to be more closer to Jesus, to be holy - that is to do what Jesus wants you to do and not to do what Jesus wants you not to do?
      Family Corner:
     Find an opportunity to share with your family the importance of today's message. 

       For the Chinese version of this daily blog and video, please click this link (中文版請按此連結):

     To know, learn and practice the method of Time with Abba, please click this link:


       If you would like to follow my "Subject shifting Devotion Method" from the "Time with Abba, Praising Singing", you are welcome to follow the direction below and then go back to the top of this blog to read today's key passage and my listening and sharing:


1.   Put on your “brakes” and stop for a moment of silence
2.   Wait for God. Breathe deep for God's peace and feel His presence. Exhale your worries.

Praise and Thanksgiving

1.   Think through your day, all the times that made you smile
2.   Thank God for all those moments, and for all those people
3.   Sing a song to praise the Lord

Confession and Repentance (Subjective Shifting Devotion Method) 

1.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to shine on you that you are able to discover your sins and be willing to repent:

     “Dear Holy Spirit, shine your light into the places of darkness in my life. Show me my sins, everything that blocks me from encountering God and having Jesus as my Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

2.  Through the Holy Spirit, examine yourself for a short silence and then pray:

     "Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for our sins and being victorious over death and sin. I confess my sins to you(pause, to tell Jesus what the Holy Spirit has shown you). Forgive my sins by your blood and help me follow you. Holy Spirit, fill me that I may be able to receive your gifts to love God and His people. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen."

3.  John Stott's daily prayer of Christlikeness (Christopher J.H. Wright, Cultivating the fruit of the Spirit. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2017, 13)

(Please click this link to see how God used John Stott to change my life:

           "Heavenly Father, I pray that this day I may live in your presence and please you more and more.

             Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow you.

             Holy Spirit, I pray that this day you will fill me with yourself and cause your fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

        My first blog "Devotion on Fire"  was written in English only  (July 17, 2009年7月17日至November 22, 2012年11月22日). Each day one chapter of Bible, from New Testament and then Old Testament. Completed in four months and three years:

My second blog "Discipler 123"  was written in both Chinese and English (March 6,2011to December 31, 2016 ):

and "Time with Abba" blog and video (January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2024):


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